Announcing the Election of Directors for the Term 2015-2018

Dear Members,

I am pleased to announce that the individuals elected for the 2015-2018 term to join the CLTA-WA Board of Directors are:
  1. Alice Flore
  2. Tracy Ge
  3.  Xiaofeng Foster
  4.  Haiyan You
  5. Yuting Yeh

Congratualtions to them! I would also like to thank our members for voting. Please save the date for CLTA-WA’s 2015 Annual General Meeting on Saturday, May 30. Details about the AGM will be sent out in a later message. I hope to see you all there.

Zoe Jiang

2015 CLTA-WA New Board Member Election is OPEN now!

Voting Instructions for Board Director Seats:

Please view candidates’ Bios.

Each member can vote for up to FIVE candidates. All ballots will be reviewed and approved by the Election Committee and their determination as to the votes cast by that ballot is final for purposes of such CLTA-WA election decisions. Please select up to FIVE from the list below by clicking on “True” next to the names of the candidates you like to vote for. Click on “False” next to the name(s) of the candidate(s) you are not voting for. Please note: select either “True” or “False” for ALL candidates. If neither is checked, your votes will not be submitted successfully.

Elections close on 2015-04-26. Thank you for voting!