2017 CLTA-WA Fall Workshop Recap



2017 Fall

On September 30, 2017, Chinese Language Teachers Association-WA (CLTA-WA) held a successful workshop on Developing Effective Lesson Plans for Chinese Language Teaching at the Odegaard Undergraduate Library of the University of Washington.

The workshop was co-sponsored by the East Asia Center of UW, the Department of Asian Languages and Literature of UW, and the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington.

Nyan-Ping Bi , the workshop presenter, is the principal lecturer in Chinese language at the University of Washington and  the 2016 UW distinguished teaching award winner. She is experienced in teaching Mandarin Chinese at all levels of proficiency and teacher training. Her recent publications include the 4th Edition of Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写 (co-authored) and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Curriculum Design & Instruction 课程设计与教学实例 (co-edited). The workshop opened with detailed breakdown of how to succeed with developing effective lesson plans. Bi answered questions with specific examples and gave participants hands-on practice. Workshop participants were grouped based on their choices of language standards, such as ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, AP Chinese scoring guidelines, IB Chinese guidelines, textbook guidelines, and requirements set by schools or school districts. The workshop venue that the East Asia Center and the Department of Asian Languages and Literature sponsored was an active learning classroom fully equipped with the highest level of presentation and collaboration technology enabling participants to share multimedia and collaborate in groups or as a whole. Each group chose a topic and worked out an effective lesson plan under the guidance of the presenter.  The workshop finished up with an intense discussion about the lesson plans all groups shared.

Workshop participants found the workshop very useful and effective in increasing their understanding of lesson planning. They would like to explore those ideas that shared at the workshop further in the future. The workshop was well attended by 36 participants, including the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington, Wenqiu Wang.



研讨会的主讲人是任职于华盛顿大学的毕念平老师,2016年华大杰出教学奖得主。她不仅具有多年的汉语教学经验和教师培训经验,而且还是经典教材《中文听说读写》的联合作者以及《课程设计与教学实例》的联合编者。毕老师在研讨会中带着老师们仔细分析了教案设计时需要注意的各环因素,对不解之处给予了解释,并要求老师们一起动手实际操作。参加的老师根据自己的教材和考试的要求分成了不同的小组。华盛顿大学亚洲语言文学系和华盛顿大学东亚中心特别赞助的场地是华大最高科技的互动式教室,既可以有全场讨论,又可以进行小组内和小组间的互动。在毕老师的指导下,每组都根据自己选择的话题做出了有效的教案,并与大家分享了他们的设计, 互相切磋。
