The fall workshop Integrated Performance Instruction and Assessment was led by Mrs. Chungman Gissing and held at Eastern Washington University (EWU) on Saturday, October 28th, 2017. As a lead teacher in summer Startalk program at the University of Hawaii, an IB examiner, and a teacher trainer, Mrs. Gissing brought a wealth of knowledge to share with this year’s participants.
Mrs. Gissing led an engaging and informative workshop that included many valuable hands-on activities. Participants looked at examples of meaningful communication activities and tasks in a language classroom, analyzed and examined different lesson plans, and used a backwards design lesson plan template to design lessons using language in meaningful and authentic situations.
Workshop participants were very happy with the workshop and found the ideas and techniques shared during the session were beneficial. We want to extend our appreciation to the sponsors: CLTA-WA, the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington, and EWU’s Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
2017年10月28日华盛顿州中文教师学会在东华盛顿大学斯坡坎校区举办的整合性教学及表现评估 (Integrated Performance Instruction and Assessment) 的研讨会圆满成功。本次的研讨会由华盛顿州中文教师学会主办,华盛顿州孔子学院及东华盛顿大学现代语言及文学系联合协办。
此次的研习会由具有多年在中美两国教授汉语及做师资培训的Chunman Gissing (洪春满)老师带领。 洪老师目前担任夏威夷大学夏季星壇 (Startalk)课程的首席老师,IB考官,她也长期 致力于提倡及编写适龄及适级的中文学习读物。 研习会中她透过许多具教学意义的活动及任务范例让与会的老师们讨论、分析语言教学中的三种沟通模式; 洪老师也强调实施整合性教学有助语言学习的重要性,之后老师们进行小组讨论、分析和审查了不同的整合性教学课程计划, 与会的老师们最后依循整合性教学原则设计自选的教学主题。
研习过程中,洪老师给于许多宝贵的教学技巧和建议,让在场的20位老师获益匪浅。老师们纷纷表示对这次的演习活动及演习会场都很满意,对洪老师的精心设计的活动及教学课程范例, 老师说她们可以稍加变化,运用在自己的课堂上。与会的老师们也感谢华州中文教师学会特别在东华盛顿州举办这次的研习活动。