Want to teach Chinese, Korean or another world language? Curious about the WEST E 100 Designated World Language Test? Then register for the free All About the WEST E 100 workshop given by Dr. Bridget Yaden, former president of ACTFL and WAFLT.
Who: Teacher Candidates and Teachers seeking the world language endorsement
What: A workshop to acquaint you with the background and elements of the WEST E 100 Designated World Language test
Where: Chong Wa Hall, 522 7th Ave. South, Seattle Chinatown 98104
When: Saturday, May 14, 2022; 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Clock Hours for certificated teachers: 3 (pending)
Co-sponsors: Chong Wa Education Society, WAFLT, CIWA
How: Register by clicking on the link: https://forms.gle/
For more info, email laubetty@cityu.edu