Interpretive Lesson Materials

  1. 真实语料学中文 Authentic Materials for Chinese Teaching & Learning ( 策划& 主编 by 刘艳君)
  2. 短片里的中国 Understand China through Video Clips by 刘艳君
  3. Chinese Reading for Preschooler (婴幼儿汉字教学)
  4. Chinese For Kids Chinese leveled reading, songs and resources.(儿童中文)
  5. 5Q Channel Reading Website: (五子登科)
  6. Chinese Text Sampler An Annotated Collection of Digitized Chinese Texts for
  7. Students of Chinese Language and Culture Classical Chinese Readings
  8. Chinapage Stories from Classical Chinese Literature
  9. 白雲書庫 A collection of various readings including modern and classical literature.
  10. LangNet is a language learning support system with interactive materials designed for those who want to practice and maintain their target language reading and listening skills
  11. 卡通之窗 (By Comic Reader(QJReader) software needs to be downloaded and installed before reading these picture books.
  12. Stories of Chinese Idioms and Proverbs 成語歷史故事 (By University of Southern California Chinese Language Program) Stories of Chinese idioms and proverbs.
  13. 快乐幼儿华语 (My first Chinese Words) by Better Chinese ( for beginning young readers (not immersion program)