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WAFLT Fall Conference 2017: Experience It! 8:00 am WAFLT Fall Conference 2017: Experience It! @ Pasco, WA Oct 13 @ 8:00 am – Oct 14 @ 5:00 pm ![]() Fall Conference: Experience It! Registration is now open: Click here to register! The call for proposals is still open. We will accept proposals until 30 July 2017. Exhibitor and Advertiser information | Exhibitor and Advertiser Registration Form … Continue reading | ||||||
CLTA-WA Fall Workshop @ Spokane 9:00 am CLTA-WA Fall Workshop @ Spokane Oct 28 @ 9:00 am – 9:15 am ![]() Topic: Integrated Performance Instruction and Assessment in Action Time: 9 am -12pm Saturday, October 28 Location: Spokane Eastern Washington University Center (SEWC), Room 117 (668 N Riverpoint Blvd, Spokane, WA 99202) Spokane Eastern Washington University Campus Map Presenter: Chunman Gissing Target audience: Language teaching professionals … Continue reading | ||||||
1.Call 1-800 REDLION (733-5466)
Or make reservations online. Click here
Peak Performance: Proficiency Begins with Design & Innovation
Saturday Keynote Speaker: Angela Dávila OSPI World Language Program Supervisor
Thursday, October 12th Pre-conference workshop (9:00 – 4:00)$65 (includes workshop, lunch and 6 clock hours)
Paris Granville: Authentic Folktales to Spark communication and Culture
- Explore how to use folktales as the focus of motivating, language-rich thematic units that teach and reinforce language and cultural concepts.
- Participate in highly engaging model teaching.
- Gain strategies that empower novice learners and teachers to remain in the target language.
- Take away curated folktales in Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish, templates, activities and rubrics.
- Presenter will model Folktales from Ecuador, Louisiana, and French Polynesia.
- Participants will have an opportunity to create their own folktale unit.
Linda Egnatz: Proficiency as a Tool to Focus Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Proficiency is a critical lens for identifying how to help language learners achieve their goal to be able to use a new language. What teachers assess determines, and may limit, what students believe they have to learn. Discover how using a proficiency filter increases student skills and retention, guarantees vertical articulation and drives performance-based curriculum. Designing for proficiency strengthens classroom instruction by teaching grammar communicatively and by putting vocabulary and structure in a supporting role for purposeful language use. Learn how to make proficiency goals the main focus of both instruction and assessment to ensure that learners experience a smooth transition across a vertical program.
Topic: Integrated Performance Instruction and Assessment in Action
Time: 9 am -12pm Saturday, October 28
Location: Spokane Eastern Washington University Center (SEWC), Room 117
(668 N Riverpoint Blvd, Spokane, WA 99202)
Spokane Eastern Washington University Campus Map
Presenter: Chunman Gissing
Target audience: Language teaching professionals or inspiring ones who are interested in working on designing and executing IPA lessons.
Workshop description:
This workshop will engage participants to explore elements of the three modes of communication, examine IPA designed lessons and design IPA lessons for use in the classroom. Workshop outcomes will include participants being able to:
1) demonstrate clear understanding of the three modes of communication;
2) identify and articulate elements of IPA design in a lesson plan and how the three modes are integrated;
3) begin to design a lesson following the IPA principles
Presenter info:
Chunman Gissing, aka Hung Laoshi, has been working as a Chinese language educator since 1995. She has worked in various capacities including teacher, teacher trainer, program creator, program coordinator, administrator and IB examiner. Hung Laoshi has taught in a number of institutions, including the International School of Beijing, University of Puget Sound, University of Washington, University Preparatory Academy, and the IBO, as well as University of Hawaii’s Startalk Program. Her current focus is in facilitating the production of quality age-and-level appropriate Chinese readers to help build free voluntary reading habit and interest among learners for purpose of enhancing reading skills.
Workshop language:
Mandarin Chinese or English or a combination of Chinese and English depending on participants interest and preference
Cost: Free for all participants
Target audience:
Language teaching professionals or inspiring ones who are interested in working on designing and executing IPA lessons.
Participants please bring:
A topic you are interested to design and execute an IPA lesson, and any authentic material you can find/you would like to use to support designing an IPA lesson
Clock Hours:
Participants who attend the entire workshop are eligible for 3 clock hours. Unfortunately, partial clock hours cannot be awarded.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Workshop Schedule:
8:30-9:00 Sign in
9:00-11:45 Workshop
11:45-12pm Evaluation & Wrap up
To register:
(If clicking the link does not open registration page, please copy and paste to register. Registration deadline Oct-24-2017)
Parking Information:
- $1 per hour (or less per hour for full-day purchases).
- Most Pay Stations accept Visa, MasterCard and dollar bills.
- The receipt for payment does not need to be displayed. Your license plate number is you permit.
- The ORANGE 1 lot at 600 N. Riverpoint Blvd. is the most convenient for visitors.
- A permit is only good for the color of lot in which it was purchased (Orange or Green)
VIDEO demonstrating the Pay Stations.
CLTA-WA extends our sincere appreciation to the co-sponsors of this event:
1. Confucius Institute of the State of Washington (CIWA)
2. Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Eastern Washington University
The announcement above has been posted as a courtesy only. Please contact the organizations listed in for more information.
CLTA-WA Teacher Grants are offered to support members to receive professional development to attend national/regional conferences, summer institutes, workshops or seminars, including ACTFL Conference 2017. Please see CLTA-WA-Professional-Development-Grant-Application_2017
Building Democratic Classrooms
Date: Sunday, March 11, 2018
Time: 9am-4pm
Venue: Tahoma Room (3rd floor), Thomas Hall, University of Puget Sound
Registration fees: Free for CLTA-WA members and $10 for non-members
Clock hours: 6 clock hours will be awarded for participants who attend the whole day event in the entirety. No partial clock hour will be awarded.
Luncheon: $10/person. Please indicate if you will need lunch on the registration form. Due to the UPS campus management regulations, please do not bring outside food to campus.
Presenter: Chris Fontana
- Founder & President of Full Circle Leadership LLC
- Cofounder & Former Executive Director of Global Visionaries (GV)
Workshop Description:
This interactive workshop will engage participants to explore hands-on strategies to build a democratic classroom in which students embrace the target language in unprecedented ways because they are relating to one another and taking on ownership of their learning in entirely new ways. Workshop participants will learn to build a democratic classroom within which students learn the 4 C’s of 21st Century skills: collaboration, communication, creativity (and innovation), and critical thinking; students become civically engaged and empathetic global citizens inside and outside of the classroom. Participants will learn how to use the following sequentially integrated pedagogical strategies:
- Class Agreements: Create class agreements in which youth collaborate to create learning community curriculum and assessment norms, classroom environment and management—a system which invites a deeper level of self and group accountability to performance and behavior.
- Class Meetings: Establish a weekly forum in which student leaders and Educator leader work out all “behavioral”, performance, classroom climate issues as well as a space to build unprecedented authentic relationships (student to student as well as student to educator). The result of which is a return on investment for content and achievement in academic and affective domains.
- Community Building: Create a powerful team in which all students are integral to the whole; use group grades and theatre of liberation to build group integrity, cooperation, collaboration and compassion.
- Class Jobs: Share ownership and responsibility of class, teaching and community with students.
- Peer Accountability Structures: Lead class to create a learning community in which students hold each other accountable and elicit the best from one another for both behavior and learning outcomes
Workshop Schedule:
- 8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Check in
- 8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Welcome & Announcements
- 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Presentation
- 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch
- 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Presentation
- 4:00 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. Evaluation & Clock Hour
To Register:
If clicking the link does not open registration page, please copy and paste to register. The deadline for registration is Sunday, March 4. For late registration, please contact Haiyan You at
CLTA-WA extends our sincere appreciation to the co-sponsors of this event:
- University of Puget Sound
- Confucius Institute of the State of Washington (CIWA)
- Washington Association For Language Teaching (WAFLT)
Direction to UPS campus:
Campus map:
Chinese teachers and teacher candidates are welcome!
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2018
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Topic: Engaging Language Activities for Global Themes
Venue: Chong Wa Hall
( 522 7th Ave. S., Seattle Chinatown Historic District, 98104)
Clock Hours: Free 3 clock hours sponsored by WAFLT
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Network with other teachers and get updates on Startalk news
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Workshop on Language Activities for Global Themes
1. Engaging Activities in Language Class by Sarah Yao
2. How to Teach Middle Schoolers the Hungry Planet Unit by Corina Ting & Lingling Zhao
3. Engaging Activities Related to the Hungry Planet by Pollyanna Wang
4. Presentational and Interpersonal Activities Related to the Hungry Planet
by Hong Jiang
Registration Link:
Free parking: Behind Chong Wa Hall (For those who need to use Chong Wa Hall parking lot, please provide your license plate number while filling out the registration form using the link above.)
Co-sponsors: Chong Wa Education Society, Confucius Institute of Washington State, WAFLT
Want to be a teacher candidate? Worried about the WEST B Writing Test? Want to get some tips for passing? Then you need the WEST B Writing Workshop!
Who: Teacher candidates in need of strategies for passing the state required WEST B Writing Test
What: An interactive writing workshop with light snacks
Where: Chong Wa Hall, 522 7th Ave. South, Seattle Chinatown 98104
When: Saturday, April 14, 2018; 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Co-sponsors: Chong Wa Education Society, Confucius Institute
Bonus: Free parking with registration and your license plate number
To register, click here:
This event is free and open to all.
Non-members are welcome!
Come meet the board members, mingle with other fellow members and learn more about CLTA-WA. We will have raffle prizes and special teaching ideas/resources sharing. Refreshments will be provided.
Saturday, June 2
Time: 1:30-3:30 pm
Mercer Island Public Library
4400 88th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040
1:30-1:45 2017-2018 review
1:45-1:55 New board introduction
1:55-2:10 Ice break and announcement
2:10-3:10 Mini-workshops
– Use CER to Improve Student Academic Progress and Language Proficiency by Xi Sun
– Learning Chinese for Global Competence by Rebecca Wan
– How to use the authentic novel to teach Chinese? by Zhiling Hu
3:10-3:30 Q & A; Raffle
Looking forward to seeing you there!
How can I improve my resume?? What goes into a professional resume? Help! I’m tongue tied at interviews!! What should I wear? Formal or casual chit chat?
What: To answer these questions and more, you need the Startalk Resume and Interview Techniques workshop! And you earn 4 clock hours!
Who: Pre-service teacher candidates and In-service teachers
When: Saturday, June 30 1 PM-5PM; Refreshments at 12:30 PM
Where: Chong Wa Hall, 522 7th Ave. S, Seattle Chinatown, 98104; parking provided
Co-sponsors: Chong Wa Education Society (venue), Confucius Institute of Washington (funding), WAFLT (clock hours)
2018 City University of Seattle Startalk Teacher Certification
Background: Startalk, funded by the National Security Agency (NSA), administered by the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland, has goals to 1) increase the number of qualified teachers of Arabic, Chinese, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu; 2) increase numbers of students taking these languages; and 3) create infrastructure for curricula, materials and resources to support teaching/learning the critical languages (
What: City University has 16 spaces available for fluent speakers of Chinese or Korean or Portuguese to earn teacher certification in the state of Washington.
How: Teacher candidates will be enrolled in City U’s alternative route teacher certification program.
When: July 2-July 20, with July 4 off; 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.
- June 30 Afternoon orientation; Resume/Interview Techniques workshop, sponsored by Chong Wa Education Society, Confucius Institute, WAFLT
- July 2, 3, 5, 6 Certification classes, including lab school preparation
- July 9-13 Morning lab school with afternoon certification class
- July 16-18 Morning lab school with afternoon certification class
- July 19 Last day morning lab school; continue afternoon certification class
- July 20 Wrap up class activities, surveys, evaluations, certificates of completion
Where: Chong Wa Hall, 522 7th Ave. S, Seattle Chinatown 98104
Teacher Candidate Pre-requisites:
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in the U.S. or other country.
- Passing the WEST-B (Washington Educator’s Basic Skills Test) Reading, Writing and Math ( Substitutions: C-BEST, SAT or ACT.
- Passing ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPIc) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT). Passing: Advanced Low
- City U’s Startalk program requires passing one of the following pre-requisite choices:
- ELL (WEST-E 051), plus Elementary Education Subtest I (NES 102) and Elementary Education Subtest II (NES 103); passing these tests will enable you to teach ELL P-12 and/or elementary grades K-8, or choose
- Special Education (WEST-E 070); passing this test will enable you to teach SpEd P-12, or choose
- Secondary Math (NES 304); passing NES 304 will enable you to teach math 5th-12th grades (secondary), or choose
- Mid Grades Math (NES 203); Mid Grades Math does not include trigonometry and calculus. Passing NES 203 will enable you to teach math 4th-9th grades.
- All teacher candidates must undergo a fingerprint/background check (valid for two years) at an Educational Service District (ESD) near you in order to work with students.
Notes: The Designated World Language (WEST-E 100) test may be taken near the end of certification; passing it will enable you to teach Chinese or Korean, or Portuguese (fulfills Startalk Central Goal 1: to increase numbers of teachers of critical languages).
Bachelor’s degrees from outside the U.S. need to be evaluated by an outside agency for equivalency. Below is one area evaluation agency:
Foundation for International Services
505 – 5th Avenue South, Suite 101
Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425-248-2255
Teaching and/or tutoring experience a plus! Summer tuition scholarships available for qualifying candidates.
Questions? Contact Betty Lau, CU of Seattle Startalk director:
Startalk Applicants: Email your resume to Betty Lau. Interviews will be scheduled March/April.
CLTA-WA invites you to join us for our
2018 Summer Workshop
Making It Real: Speaking, Reading, and Grammar for Authentic Communication
Time: 01:00PM-5:00PM
Date: Saturday, August 18, 2018
Venue: Westside School, 10404 34th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98146
Cost: Free
Bridget Yaden, Ph.D.
Professor of Hispanic Studies and Director of the Language Resource Center
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) in Tacoma, Washington
Workshop Description:
During this interactive workshop, participants will learn and share ideas as well as free resources for authentic communication through speaking and reading. We will also explore the role of grammar in a communicative classroom. Based on interest survey results, this session will include ideas for Interpersonal Communication tasks for pairs, small groups, and whole class instruction, Interactive Reading and Listening comprehension tasks using Authentic Cultural Texts, and introducing grammar in a communicative context.
To register
(If clicking the link does not open registration page, please copy and paste to register. Registration deadline Aug-15-2018)
Please note:
- 4 clock hours will be awarded respectively for participants who attend the whole afternoon event in the entirety. No partial clock hour will be awarded.
- Refreshments and beverages will be provided.
12:30-01:00PM Sign in
01:00-02:45PM Session 1
02:45-03:00PM Break & Announcement
03:00-04:45PM Session 2
04:45-05:00PM Evaluation and Wrap up
CLTA-WA extends our sincere appreciation to the co-sponsors of this event:
Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA)
Washington Association for Language Teaching (WAFLT)
Speaker Bio
Bridget Yaden, Ph.D., is Professor of Hispanic Studies and Director of the Language Resource Center at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) in Tacoma, Washington. She holds a PhD and MA in Romance Linguistics (UW) and a BA in Spanish (WWU). She began her involvement in language centers during her graduate studies at the University of Washington (1995-1996, Language Learning Center) and has continued this work at PLU since 1996. Her research interests include online language programs, bilingual education, and world language teacher preparation. She has served on many professional boards, including ACTFL, NWALL, AATSP Juan de Fuca Chapter, WAFLT, and PNCFL.