522 7th Ave. S
Seattle Chinatown 98104
Attention Teachers and Student Teachers! Want to add a designated World Language to your teaching endorsements? Love to share language and culture with students? How about Increasing your career flexibility! Come review basic world language principles from “Prepping for the WEST E-100” by Dr. Bridget Yaden, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association-Washington.
Who: Teachers and student teachers
What: An informative workshop presented by Dr. Bridget Yaden, president-elect of ACTFL
Where: Chong Wa Hall, 522 7th Ave. S, Seattle Chinatown 98104
When: Saturday, November 2, 2019, 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Clock Hours: 3
Other: Parking provided with registration; light refreshments provided
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/6iexm38mQJquVpcBA
CLTA-WA extends our sincere appreciation to the co-sponsors of this event:
Confucius Institute of the State of Washington (CIWA)